Blog #7: The Progressive Era

 The Progressive Era: Anti-War Voices of Today

When looking at the timelines we made in class during the Progressive Era, it was very easy to see why individuals today are able to make websites stating their opinions on Anti-War and it never reach the public eye unless individuals are searching for it.  

During WWI, not only was the Espionage Act in place, but the Sedition Act was also in effect. While the Espionage Act was specifically for individuals who were Government Employees who spoke out about the war and war efforts, the Sedition Act was put into place so that it was a crime to criticize the Government during wartime. 

The Sedition Act was repealed in 1920. What does this mean exactly? Well now individuals are able to freely criticize the Government however they may like unless that critique uses obscene language or incites violence. They are protected by their First Amendment Right of Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press. This is why websites like and are not circulating around the main stream media. 

Back during WWI, the Sedition Act is what stopped individuals from speaking out about the Government, and since individuals did not want America to get involved in the first place, it was very easy to see how individuals emotions would get away from them, and why they would start to speak out about Government involvement. They would then be punished, and it would be a constant loop in the news.

Photos 1 & 2:

Going off of the reason I have never heard of these websites goes back to the idea that I have never looked for them. They aren't talked about, and the Government does not talk about the continuous wars in Iran and Afghanistan so it is not something that I am properly educated on. Through this course I now see why individuals make these websites based off of what political party they are affiliated with, but for me it is never something I have paid a lot of attention to. 


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