Blog Week 1: Sources of Information

 1. CNN-

    I like getting my information from CNN because not only do they have the top stories, but the way that they categorize all of the stories that have similar topics is nice to see. I have included a screen shot of it down below. I always feel that I am able to look at a story, and then get more information pertaining to that story, or others, through those other links. I also like that they do not just have one section of articles, or one main theme behind the articles, there are opinion articles, world articles, sports articles, etc. It is a very wide range of information that you are able to learn about all in one place!

2. Twitter-

    For me, Twitter is where I get a majority of my information. It is easy to use and everything you need is at your fingertips. I have notifications on for when people I follow tweet, and I also get notifications throughout the day about ideas or topics that are trending. When there are important events happening in the world or country I am always constantly refreshing Twitter to see what is happening. I also like Twitter because you are able to see others tweets and their ideas an opinions on what is happening. It is a platform that is meant to start a conversation. Although some things that are said can be controversial, you are able to learn a lot and maybe have an educated conversation with someone from the other side of the country.

3. New York Times-

    I like the New York Times because you can't always turn to just online platforms to receive your information. Of course, physical news papers are going out of date now, but still having the opportunity to read articles from journalists who may have been in the profession for years is interesting. There is a different feeling when reading articles on the New York Times. I feel as though it is more insightful and I also enjoy that the authors picture is included in the post that they make. If you have the time to sit in front of the computer and research topics, the New York Times is a perfect place to start looking.

4. Fox News-

    I like Fox News for the simple reason that all of their articles are in one place when you go to the home page. Unlike CNN, they have all of their feature articles in one place, and it is very clean and easy to look at. I do still like CNNs information more and the way you can get a ton of information at one time, but the way that Fox looks is appealing to my eye. I do though enjoy with Fox that they have the subject matter listed above the headline of the article. The reader is able to know what subject they are reading about, and then can also go to that subject to find more articles along the same lines. I think that it is a good website to get information from, although we have heard all of the slander about what they report and political parties and what not (especially since that is all the news covers now), but either way, I think it is a good place to get information, and again maybe a new place to see a different perspective on present day issues.

5. NBC News-

    NBC News is a great place to get information, and it was one of the first websites I was introduced to when it came to gathering information to projects or just news in general. I like that they have live updates in the corner so that you are able to see what is happening at all times, and then they have different sub categories that walk individuals through every big current news event that is happening. Just like other news sources, they also have a sports section, a world section and then other sections pertaining to what individuals would like to read about. 


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