Blog Week 2: History/Workings of US Supreme Court


History of the US Supreme Court

After reading the article from History Channel about SCOTUS, it is interesting to see how they were founded and all they have done for our country since being founded in the 1700s. I also watched the videos that were posted, and I will be writing about what I thought of the videos and article, and how it made me think and feel while reading and watching.

I am not an individual who knows a lot about the legal system or the US History, so these sources really helped me understand more of what we will be talking about in class. I also feel that being in 1450 and 3450 are allowing me to connect the dots between what I am learning, and honestly, hearing the material twice is nice because I feel as though I will remember and know it even more. 

It was interesting in the second part of the YouTube videos to hear them say, "We can't make decisions like the President can because we have to wait for people to come to us with their issues." You don't think about it in that way when you are learning about it. Also hearing them talk about their experiences' and hearing Ruth Bader Ginsburg talk about her first hearing while doing it in an open public platform was also very eye opening about the whole trial and hearing system. 

I also wanted to bring up, with everything that has been going on in the news with Donald Trump and his second "impeachment", the idea that the Supreme Court played in that process. I at first had no idea about the 25th Amendment and what it was going to impose, and now watching these videos has made me realize all that the Supreme Court does for individuals who would like to start a trial. 

Although it is something that I feel I should be more well educated on not only as an American Citizen, but as a college student, it is interesting to now see through the article who is in office and who is holding a position on the Supreme Court. I have heard the names listed in the article before, but I have now had the opportunity to match names to faces and research them for this blog post. 

I was also able to see cases listed that I have learned about before. In high school we talk about U.S. v Nixon and Plessy v Ferguson and I have learned more in depth about those cases since being in college, but it is still interesting to go back and see what the Supreme Court has done for them and how it has helped shaped the laws and Amendments we live by today.

Overall, this article and the two videos really gave me insight onto how the Supreme Court takes action when it comes to reviewing cases and making decisions. The videos really helped to walk through the steps and hear from the Justices themselves how it is run. The article also helped with providing a more up to date analysis on the Supreme Court and who is now in a Justice position, while also going through cases of the past and outlining what they were about.

Youtube Videos- Pt.1-

                            Pt. 2-


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