EOTO Week 12: Terms and Concepts Response

 EOTO Terms and Concepts Response

When learning about other individuals terms for this weeks EOTO, it was interesting to see all of the different terminology when it comes to False Information and the ways that individuals can be affected by False Information.

One of the biggest differences I saw was how Zoe did her presentation on Social Media Influencers, and I did mine on News Deserts. Both have an impact in the False Information that individuals receive, but for different reasons. Social Media Influencers will collaborate with brands just to receive a check, whether they have used the product or even like the product or not. They will make sure that their fan base checks out the product because it is all about promotion. On the other hand, with News Deserts, these individuals receive False Information because they no longer have a trusted media outlet that reaches them. They are not able to get information because they are either in the rural or low income area, and through my research, I started to see that it isn't even coming to that anymore. Soon enough, because journalism and newspapers aren't as prevalent anymore, we are all going to be living in areas that are deemed "news deserts".

It was also interesting to learn about MSM or Main Stream Media. We don't realize it, but we are all effected by main stream media everyday. The definition of main stream media is, "Used to describe the large mass news media that influences large groups." 

Everyday, we click on to at least one of these news channels and watch what they are providing to us. We form our opinions around what they tell us, and then we relay that information out into the world whether it be through family, friends or coworkers. We only have these channels to go to now for "important", or what they deem important, information happening in our world. But we also have to realize that every network has it's own political views when it comes to what they report on. So depending on your political party, your stance on topics, etc. you are going to be receiving, in one way or another, some sort of false information. 

Lastly, learning about Whistleblowers who try to stop the spread of False Information when it comes to exposing large companies or organizations. I find that we continue to see more and more cases of individuals from organizations becoming whistle blowers because of the unethical practices that are being put into place. It is upsetting to see individuals lose their jobs or become blacklisted in their field because they expose their workplace. This happens too often and it is because these companies keep this information for their new employees until the employee actually experiences it themselves. 

Overall, I feel that this EOTO was very informative and it taught me a lot about all of the different ways we as individuals receive false information in our daily lives.


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