Blog 12: EOTO Other Team Reflections

 EOTO False Information: Other Teams Reflection

After listening to all of the presentations from class, I feel that the most valuable concept that we learned about was the concept of a Whistleblower. We have talked about it in the course before, and it is always a good phrase, or term, to know because we are all going into the business industry in some form. 

A Whistleblower is someone who, "Informs on a person or organization engaged in illicit activity."

Although individuals who are apart of the organization do not like the idea of one of their own being a whistleblower, it all comes down to that individuals morals or the reason that they joined the organization. If something is happening within an organization that is not morally or ethically sounds, it is better to release the information that keep it in and have the organization continue to profit for the wrong reasons. 

"The more employees use internal whistleblowing hotlines, the less lawsuits companies face, and the less money the firms pay out in settlements."

When I was also doing a little more research into the concept of Whistleblowers, if they are good or bad for an organization, etc. I came across a law that was not mentioned in the Powerpoint presentation. There is such thing as the Whistleblower Protection Act. It is, "A federal law that protects federal whistleblowers who work for the government and report the possible existence of an activity constitution a violation of laws, rules, or regulations, or mismanagement, gross waste of funds, abuse of authority or a substantial and specific danger to public health and safety."

Individuals are not able to take any retaliatory personnel action against any employee or applicant because of disclosure of information by that employee or applicant.

It was interesting listening to this presentation because we are always told that it is bad to be a Whistleblower, and if you are a Whistleblower there is a possibility that you could be blacklisted from your job market because companies do not want snitches to work for them when they are doing things they know they shouldn't be. After doing my outside research also and finding out all of this information, I was able to learn that it is actually somewhat of a good thing for organizations to have Whistleblowers every now and then so that they stay in check, and so that they can stop a potential lawsuit from blowing up before it happens. 


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